兴趣和理想 Hobbies and Ideal <4>
We began our 7-day Mediterranean trip after landing on this cruise ship with sixteen floors in Venice , Italy .
Luzern, Switzerland.
Acropolis, Athens, Greece.
2010 年秋自驾 + 骑车周游中国西北五省,内蒙古大沙漠骑车的留影。
In the autumn of 2010, we traveled around five provinces in the Northwestern China by car and bike. This photo is taken when we were going across the desert of Inner Mongolia by bike.
We climbed up the Hua Mountain , well-known as “the most perilous peak under heaven”.
Tired of noisy and annoying city life , we are always dreaming to try a new way of life, to have a quiet country house and to build and decorate it by our way.
2005 年冬第一次到中国云南旅游,当来到世界文化遗产—纳西族人世代居住的丽江时,被其秀美清幽和古朴纯真所吸引,这是一座历史文化悠久的千年古城,有中国明代 ( 公元 1385 年 ) 至清代 ( 公元 1743 年 ) 300 多年间陆续绘制而成的丽江壁画,清泉流过村民家门,窗外树林菜地,远处可见银光闪闪的玉龙雪山 ……
In the winter of 2005, it is the first time for us to visit Lijiang ( Yunnan , China ), one of the World Cultural Heritages and the residence of the Naxi people. We were attracted by its graceful, quiet and beautiful view and its simple and unsophisticated style. Lijiang is an ancient town with a history of over thousand years and has Lijiang Wall Painting which established about 300 years before, from Ming Dynasty ( 1368 A . D.) to Qing Dynasty ( 1743 A . D.) . We can see clear springs flowing in front of the country house, forests and vegetable fields out of the windows, and the silver-shining Jade Dragon Snow Mountain far away…
于是我们决心放下原有工作,到丽江安家落户。于 2006 年春开始筹建“如意坊”。
So we decided to put down all works and to settle down in Lijiang. In 2006 spring, Ruyifang started to construct.
Lijiang Shuhe, an ancient town with a history of over thousand years, is the departure place of the ancient tea-horse road in antique time.
窗外远眺玉龙雪山 Looking far into the distance Jade Dragon Snow Mountain through windows.
The ancient town is located at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, and clear brooks fed the Naxi people.
多个自然村就建在小溪菜地旁, 1997 年丽江被评为世界文化遗产。 Many natural villages are built beside the vegetable field near brooks and Lijiang was listed as one of the World Cultural Heritages in 1997.
清晨,炊烟袅袅秋叶红。 In the early morning, the smokes curl up from kitchen chimneys, with red autumn leave.
秋收 Autumn Harvest
春日 Spring