某天,我们散步在古镇柳荫河道的小路上,身边四只狗狗前呼后拥蹦跳着撒欢。大地葱茏万象更新,鸟儿枝头鸣唱繁花绽放,清澈的青龙河水底冒出串串珍珠泉 …… 又一个明媚春天到来了!
One day, we were walking along tree lane by a little river passing through the ancient town and our four dogs were happily around us by a retinue. Spring returns and brings verdant earth and everything looks fresh again. Birds were singing and flowers were blooming. The strings of Pearl spring were running out of the clear Qinglong river bottom. Oh, another beautiful spring was coming.
Suddenly it was realized that we have spent six years in this place called Shuhe. During this period, numbers of sweets and bitters were passing; numbers of laughter were living through; and endless memories were leaving by numbers of new and old friends. Time is rushing so quickly like stream.
Some foreign friends offered us a comment: although photos are cool on the website of Ruyifang, unfortunately, they could not read without English. It is so pity for them to guess meanings by looking at photos. Only Chinese is not enough.
We hope everybody could understand that it is such a difficult and heavy work for us to add English version on our website. Till now, Building Ruyifang is finished in both Chinese and English version. This is our first attempt to record our life in two languages and this article is also a review of our time in Lijiang.
RUYIFANG, a private village lounge in Shuhe Ancient Town , Lijiang , Yunnan Province, is building up and running with our six year of great efforts.